Recipes For Life

Recipe For Self Love

  • Listen to Beverly Glenn-Copeland’s song La Vita

  • Read Audre Lorde’s Essay “Uses of the Erotic”

  • Take a hot bath with epsom salts and bless the waters with your gratitude and light.

  • Watch the documentary “What the Bleep Do We Know?”

  • Explore Masaru Emoto’s work with water.

  • Go to a fabric store and explore colors and textures.

  • Go to a crystal shop and purchase Rose Quartz keep it near and hold it to your heart.

  • Go somewhere in nature you feel safe and hold your body, look up at the sky, and smile.

  • Cultivate a gratitude practice it works

  • Take yourself out on an artist date (dress up in something fun)

  • Dress up just for fun with colors and fabrics that make you feel good about yourself. Explore this.

  • Make your own recipe

Recipe For Fear

  • Nina Simone Album (any)

  • Walk in Nature

  • Take action (try something new)

  • Watch a funny movie (Like Pee Wee Herman’s : Pee Wees Big Adventure!)

  • Movement is an anecdote (be creative with it).

  • Try to find pleasure in the little things

  • Make Fresh Whipped Cream

  • Make your own recipe

  • Listen to Joy Harjos poem “I Give You Back”

  • Connect to your inner childlike innocence

  • Cultivate Wonder

  • Don’t try to figure it out with your mind

  • Seek out where you are not connected to self and life

Recipe for Grief

  • Find Community

  • Watch Documentary Grief Walker

  • Explore Joanna Macy’s books/talks

  • Read Rilke’s Book of Hours

  • Take time to Grieve

  • Ask for help

  • Watch Chavela Varga’s documentary

  • Spend time in nature alone or with friends

  • Create your own recipe