“I am an act of kneading, of uniting and joining that not only has produced both a creature of darkness and a creature of light, but also a creature that questions the definitions of light and dark and gives them new meanings.” Gloria E. Anzaldua


  • San Francisco State University : BA in Literature : (postcolonial, queer, feminist studies) *Graduated 2016

  • Mckinnon Massage Institute 500hrs *Graduated 2021

  • 3 years apprenticeship and training in Shamanic and Psychological practices with Krista Rhinehart *2020-Present)

  • Initiated Reiki I & II practitioner

  • III Foundation Levels with Asil Toksal

  • 10yrs of psychoanalysis with Linda Leonard

  • Authentic Movement year long intensive with Dr. Hilary Cadwell

  • Performance Art 2 year creative immersion with performance artist Landis Newborn

I work closely with an East/West Psychotherapist : Krista Rhinehart to provide the best possible care to all my clients.

Noya Rao Collective

Dr. Krista Rhinehart, the founder of the Noya Rao Collective, is a channel, therapist, and spiritual guide committed to delivering the healing and teachings of Noya Rao. She founded the Noya Rao Collective based on a series of visions that she received from the tree on how she could support humanity’s awakening and collective healing process. Krista holds a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology and a Doctorate in East-West psychology. Outside of academia, Krista has studied and practiced plant based shamanism and eastern meditation for the last 12 years. Her apprenticeship within the Shipibo tradition introduced her to Noya Rao and how to build connections with master plants. 

Hummble Beginnings

My mothers passion for music and dance, my fathers gentle support, and my grandmothers healing hands. The sea. My family. I am a first generation Cuban American born in Miami in the early eighties. My greatest quest in this life is the reclamation of my right to a creative and authentic life. This quest which also in it’s heart holds my life wound in return is my greatest service and commitment to humanity.

My passion is to work closely with others ready to connect more deeply with their souls inner sovereignty through bodily wisdom and creative self expressions. My first medium from which I found what is often referred to as “greater than yourself” was and always will be music and dance. It is these mediums that I owe a big part of my survival and enrichment. I didn’t anticipate I would be working as an energy healer, channel, tree guide, plant medicine practitioner, or bodyworker. I journeyed to be a poet and got my B.A. in literature. I loved as a child getting energetic gut-work retrievals from my grandmother, and simple shoulder rubs I would beg her for. It was her that gave me my first transmission on the powers of bodywork. Today my life work strives to alchemize art and healing as integral parts of the whole, similar to how our bodies, and the earth we inhabit, are meant to inform and nourish each other.

My work of service for the world is simple : to give back the love and wisdom that has been so generously given to me by teachers, family, friends, animal friends, spirit guides, artists, mentors. If I could call myself by any name it would be [guide] . I don’t intend to claim the words healer or shaman. In truth I am an artist longing to guide other creatives into their unique expressions. Because I have for the last fifteen years walked through the fires and waters of inner work, along with a long stretch of studies in literature, psychological studies, and plant medicine initiations I have confronted big fears, low self worth, harsh creative blocks, intergenerational afflictions and traumas.

My mission is to meet people of all walks of life exactly where they are and help guide them find their own inner truth and power. In my heart I know that this earth thrives in diversity of expression, and it is my souls longing to support that permission in all of those I encounter. There is nothing more rewarding than holding a loving and safe container for another human and establishing a deepening relationship of trust where miracles can happen.